October 2020
Getting Ready
I had hoped to finish editing my noir this week, but life gets in the way as it often does. I have at least two more passes to do before I can call the novel done. So much for the plans of mice.
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Finishing Up
NaNoWriMo 2020 is almost upon us. I’m juggling my different writing projects while planning for the coming month or two. Read More…
Getting Ready For NaNoWriMo 2020
It’s been a horrid year for most people. One bright spot for me is that NaNoWriMo is a month away. It’s time to get serious about creating the next novel. Read More…
Back In the Flow
Life moves on and so do I. I’ve had to deal with family issues, putting my mom into a nursing home and taking care of her house. It’s been a stressful and disruptive time for me. But, I resolved the difficult bits and I can now try to get back to normality.
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