Mastodon Archimage's Writing Blog

NaNoWriMo 2022 In Review

Well, it’s over, and it’s time to review.

This past year I had set a personal goal of 100K words for NaNoWriMo. I can now say that I wrote a 100,370 word novel. Here are my thoughts.
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Mid-Month NaNoWriMo Review

How's your NaNoWriMo going? How's mine? Well, let me tell you… Read More…

Being a Genre Writer

Every time I meet someone, be it a person off the street or another writer, the question I get asked first is, “What do you write?”, or “What genre do you write?”
That's a troublesome question to answer. Read More…

Wasting Time WIth NaNoWriMo 2022

Time flies. The older you are, the faster it flies. We are weeks away from November, and that means NaNoWriMo.
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The Morning After C3

Do you know how it feels when you wake up after a long night of partying and mind-numbing drinking? Neither do I. Because that’s not how I feel this morning.
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