Switching Gears, Temporarily

I’ve finished the editing pass through “To Preserve Health”, the first book in the trilogy. There are a few story structure issues I need to resolve and a few minor rewrites. Before I do that, however, I’m going to switch gears and work on the short story for this year’s Creatures, Crimes, and Creativity anthology.

I’ve had a story in the anthology for the past four years. I can’t believe it’s been five years since I decided to contribute, and it’s been longer since I started attending. Time has a way of slipping by when you’re busy with other things. This year, I wanted to try writing a pulp story, a genre I haven’t attempted, but have skirted around in my other writings. I thought I’d dive all the way in this time. It should be fun, since pulp is all action and dialog. I enjoy writing both and feel I should be able to do the genre some justice.

I have two scenes written and I have a core story in mind. Now, I just have to make sure I can tell it in about 7500 words. It should take me about a month to write and edit the story to a point where I can submit it.

Then, I’ll return to my trilogy and fix all the issues before starting a tense and grammar pass. I’m aiming for a release around September.

Word up!

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